Category Archives: Year

Duress and Undue Influence in English and German Contract Law: a comparative study on vitiating factors in common and civil law

by Armin Hadjiani1

(2002) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 1 at | How to cite this article

“The Law is not only the basis for all civilised intercourse; it forms part of our life as an important cultural phenomenon. The solutions developed in a particular system may serve as useful models for other systems. The problems are, after all, often identical. Though the ways in which they are solved may be different, the outcome is mostly the same or similar. Arguments derived from comparative law are thus nowadays increasingly accepted in construing and applying one’s own law.”2

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Haftung für die Verletzung von Verfahrensgarantien nach Art. 41 EMRK. Zur Herausbildung europäischer Haftungsmaßstäbe

Summary: Compensation for violation of procedural rights under the European Convention on Human Rights

by Gerhard Dannemann*

(2001) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 5 at | How to cite this article
(Originally published in: Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht Vol. 63 (1999), pp. 452-470)
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Le droit comparé comme interprétation et comme théorie du droit.

Summary: Comparative Law as Interpretation and as Theory of Law1

by Otto Pfersmann2

(2001) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 4 at | How to cite this article
(First published in: Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé (2001) 275-288 and in: Mireille Delmas-Marty (ed.), Variations autour d’un Droit Commun, Paris 2001)
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