Category Archives: Year

Towards a Social Value Convergence: a Comparative Study of Fundamental Principles of Contract Law in the EU and China

Junwei Fu*

(2009) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 5 at | How to cite this article


One of the remarkable differences in contract law between legal systems in the European Union and China is the definition and status of contractual freedom. Historically, contractual freedom has not been commonly recognized in China, and social ethics had played a greater role in its civil law. In contrast, in European legal systems, freedom have been accepted as a core element in private law, with social elements having been commonly ignored, particularly during the time of 18th and 19th century. However, in modern times, China has started to accept the concept of freedom in its civil law, and the consideration of social elements has been diminished gradually since the late 1990s. On the contrary, in Europe, mainly due to the correction of market failures, social elements have increasingly been considered in order to maintain the substantive justice of contract, and contractual freedom as unfettered ideology has diminished since the late 19th century. It could be thus reasonable to say the modern social values between the east and west have been converging progressively.

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Unjust Enrichment Understood as Absence of Basis: a Critical Evaluation with Lessons from Canada

Chris D. L. Hunt*

(2009) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 6 at | How to cite this article

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Unjust Factors or Restitution of Transfers Sine Causa

Duncan Sheehan*

(2008) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 1 at | How to cite this article

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The Experiences of Denying Constitutional Protection to Sodomy Laws in the United States, Australia and Malaysia: You’ve Come a Long Way Baby and You Still Have a Long Way To Go!

‘the other refuses to disappear: it subsists, it persists, it is the hard bone on which reason breaks its teeth’1

Alan Berman*

(2008) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 2 at | How to cite this article

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Britain’s Emerging Constitution?

Lord Mance1

(2008) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 3 at | How to cite this article this article

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Lowering the Corporate Veil in Germany: a case note on BGH 16 July 2007 (Trihotel)

Charles Zhen Qu* and Björn Ahl**

(2008) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 4 at | How to cite this article
In the recent Trihotel case, the German Federal Court of Justice has substantially modified its previous position on lifting the corporate veil, by which shareholders can become liable towards company creditors. The present case note argues that the tort-based new approach will not only afford company creditors with adequate protection but also direct German company law jurisprudence towards a greater regard for fundamental principles of company and insolvency law.

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The Adjudication of the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) in the Last 55 Years – A Quantitative and Comparative Approach

Mathias M. Siems*

(2007) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 4 at | How to cite this article

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The Role of Reasonable and Unreasonable Mistake in Justified Defences – A Comparative and Analytical Study

Khalid Ghanayim*

(2007) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 3 at | How to cite this article

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Codification of Private Law in Scotland: Observations by a Civil Lawyer

Andreas Rahmatian*

(2007) Oxford U Comparative L Forum 1 at | How to cite this article


This article discusses, by reference to Scotland, the problems of codifying a mixed system of private law, presenting an outline of some parts in a draft civil code. A civil code must resolve divergence between Civil Law and Common Law concepts. Such divergence is demonstrated here by reference to the conceptual conflict between the Scots (Civil) law of error and the English (Common) Law of misrepresentation. The article outlines how codified provisions in this area might be drafted. It discusses the German, French, Swiss and Austrian rules (the last being remarkably similar to Scots law), and offers possible Common Law and Civil Law-style codifications of the Scots law of error. As Scots statutes follow the Common Law drafting style, it is argued that they are unsuitable for comprehensive codification. A code in a Civilian style, on the other hand, requires the adoption of Civilian statutory interpretation, but as this is inconsistent with Scots legal culture, the final question raised is whether codification of Scots private law is desirable at all.
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